Stage Backstage
Upturned Starry Sky, C-print, 104 x 129.5 cm
Upturned Starry Sky, C-print, 104 x 129.5 cm
Photographic series | 2011
Stage Backstage is a series of photographs shot during the production of two recent film projects – Plänterwäld and The Philharmonie Project – shot in an abandoned amusement park and orchestral concert hall respectively. The photographs share a focus on the mise en scène—the stage and backstage—of contrasting forms of entertainment venues. They depict sites of performativity in which the implied audience is the cohering element. However, in these images nothing is being performed. The absence serves as an exploration of latency in relation to the spectacle. Sound and movement, players and audience linger outside the image and create the tension between pause and action, stillness and potential.
Plänterwald production photography by:
Martin Thacker -
Berliner Philharmoniker location photographer:
Uta Kogelsberger
Folly River, C-print, 72.5 x 91 cm
Wheel, C-print, 63×78 cm
Double Base Cases, C-print, 42 x 52.5cm
Timpani on Stage, C-print, 63 x 78 cm
Related Texts
Upturned Starry Sky
Author: Bonnie Rubenstein and Rosemary Heather
CONTACT Gallery, 2012